30 Januari 2011

Like Cat



Semua Orang Tidak Sempurna

 Jika memilih untuk mencari pasangan jangan terlampau memilih sangat. nanti orang pun tak akan suke  kite....

Terimalah Die Seadanya....

 Bawah Ini Antara Pilihan Pasangan Yang Ingin Kesempurnaan

1. Beriman
Untuk menjadi pasangan yang lebih baik, kunci pertama adalah menguatkan iman anda sendiri. Dengan adanya pasangan yang beriman, maka pasti hubungan cinta antara kedua pasangan akan mencapai titik yang maksimum.
2. Jangan ‘minder’ dan selalu mengenang masa lalu
Janganlah bersikap minder terhadap pasangan anda. Bila anda pernah membuat suatu kesalahan dimasa lalu , jangan selalu dikenang atau diingat.
Berfikirlah positif. Bila anda minder, sama saja anda mengatakan bahwa anda tidak sepadan untuk pasangan anda. Bila anda tidak percaya diri, bahwa anda adalah pasangan yang sepadan untuk dia, maka anda akan benar-benar menjadi pasangan yang tidak sepadan.
3. Romantis
Ketika suatu hubungan cinta mulai mengalami keretakan, tanda pertama yang terlihat adalah mulai berpudarnya romantisme antara pasangan. Umumnya pasangan yang akan retak melupakan bagaimana senangnya ketika pertama kali mereka menjalin hungan tersebut. Suatu hubungan cinta adalah sesuatu yang harus terus menerus dibina dan bersikap romantis dalam membina hubungan tersebut adalah mutlak.
4. Jangan membuat sesuatu hanya kerana ingin membahagiakan pasangan anda
Berapa kalikah anda pernah mengerjakan sesuatu untuk pasangan anda yang
sebenarnya tidak ingin anda lakukan, tapi tetap anda lakukan kerana ingin membuat pasangan anda bahagia.. Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika mengerjakan hal tersebut? Setiap kali anda membuat kompromi atas sikap
anda tersebut, anda memperlebar jurang hubungan cinta anda. Sebaiknya
anda secara jujur mengatakan pada pasangan anda bahawa anda kurang
senang mengerjakan hal tersebut, dan mencari alternatif lain untuk
mengatasinya bersama.
5. Jangan paksa pasangan anda untuk melakukan hal-hal yang dia kurang senangi
Ini adalah kebalikan dari tip diatas. Kalau anda tahu pasangan anda kurang
senang melakukan sesuatu hal, mengapa dipaksakan… ..??
6.. Jangan merendahkan pasangan anda
Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna didunia ini. Masing2 mempunyai daya fikir, kerja dan daya tahan tersendiri. Bila anda selalu merendahkan pasangan anda dengan menyalahkan apa saja yang dia salah lakukan, bagaimana anda akan berharap dia akan berbuat benar?
7. Jangan memberi janji yang anda tidak mampu penuhi
Kepercayaan adalah hal penting pada suatu hubungan cinta. Kepercayaan harus dibina dan dikembangkan. Bila anda tidak memenuhi janji anda pada pasangan anda, bagaimana pasangan anda akan percaya pada anda pada masa yang akan datang?
8. Usahakan untuk selalu berada disisinya
Pasangan anda merupakan teman anda untuk seumur hidup… .Usahakan untuk berada disisinya baik dalam suka maupun duka… .
9.. Komunikasi
Dunia berubah dari hari ke hari. Bila anda tidak terus menerus berkomunikasi dengan pasangan anda, anda akan terkejut apabila pada suatu hari anda baru menyadari bahwa jurang perbezaan antara anda berdua telah semakin lebar.
10. Jangan berlaku kasar dan semena-mena terhadap pasangan anda
Cukup jelas… Hormatilah pasangan anda sebagaimana anda menghormati manusia lainnya. Jangan sampai anda lebih menghormati teman anda daripada menghormati pasangan anda.
11. Jujurlah selalu
Biasanya suatu hubungan cinta tidak akan berlangsung lama apabila dibangun dan didasari atas kebohongan. Walaupun pasangan anda tidak pernah mengetahui kebohongan yan tersimpan, tetapi fakta bahwa anda mengetahui kebohongan itu, akan mempengaruhi perasaan anda maupun pasangan anda. Dengan itu, hubungan cinta tak akan mencapai titik yang maksimum.

The Truth About Relationship Expectations

Unfulfilled expectations always cause problems.
Having expectations in our culture is expected. We are brought up that way. Having great expectations sounds great however when the expectation is unfulfilled, we bitch, we moan, we become disappointed. That is a problem for most people.
For example, if I expect you to love me a certain way and your love doesn't show up that way for me, I will most likely be disappointed. A better way might be to strive to get the need of being loved fulfilled by allowing your love partner to love you the way they love you. Your need to be loved a certain way is not a healthy need, it is only and always an unrealistic expectation.
Another disappointing thing about expectations is that they often do not come true. One love partner knows the expectation. The other love partner doesn't know the expectation of the other. Expectations are in the eye of the beholder. Can you see the problem?
Needs must be communicated. Expectations are rarely ever communicated. Needs can be cussed and discussed. You must give careful thought to what needs must be fulfilled for you to know you have a healthy love relationship.
"Expect the best," is certainly a better attitude than the alternative. Some say, "If you always expect the best for your relationship, everything will work out better." This is a myth. It will work out the way it works out and you will be disappointed because it didn't work out the way you expected it to. You don't always get what you expect.
We often expect our love partner to make the best choices for themselves and our relationship and when they are not our choices, we often get angry or disappointed. . . or both. Most people call this situation a problem: a problem we create by our expectations.
Try this: "No expectations, fewer disappointments!" It's that simple. Not easy. Simple.
By considering a new point of view, by changing our thinking about expectations, we open ourselves up to whatever good the 'us' of the committed you and me may be working on together at the time. Since we are detached from the way things need to work out, we may be surprised by the result. Even when we imagine the very best, we are often surprised, because if there were shades of doubt present in our imaginings, things may turn out better than we imagined. . . or worse.
Once we learn to identify our own individual, healthy needs, we must also learn not to be attached to the expectation of how those needs get fulfilled. This will always generate lots of surprises. That is when the adventure begins; the adventure the heart was crying for. Surprises create a sense of adventure; surprises you can enjoy together; surprises that create new and exciting possibilities for the two of you to experience.
Some of the surprises may show up as challenges for the relationship. They bring couples together and give them something to share. When two people really love each other and are committed to work together, those kind of surprises create the kind of conversation that empowers both love partners to continue to self-inquire, to investigate their curiosities about what they can do to stand together, to be challenged by the surprise and know that everything is going to be okay.
Problems are not to break us. Working together on problems makes us strong.
While there is something to be said about "expecting the best," we must remember that disappointment comes from unfulfilled expectations. This does not mean that when your expectations do not get met, that the results are always bad. It only means that if your expectations don't get met. Disappointment usually follows.
By thinking in terms of needs instead of expectations, we create vulnerability. Having needs with no expectations about how they will be fulfilled causes us to feel vulnerable. We have more to lose because now we know what we want. The outcome is less predictable. There is some risk involved. And we have a responsibility for getting our needs met.
Never give yourself away in the relationship. By "give yourself away," I mean making sacrifices that conflict with what you need from the relationship. Never sacrifice your own personal integrity with regard to getting your needs met. The healthier image you have of yourself, the less likely this will occur.
There is a difference between duty and responsibility. When duty does not meet our needs, it is something to be avoided. For example, if there are children in the relationship you have a responsibility to take care of them. When it feels like duty, you have a responsibility to take care of your need to not have it feel like duty.
We all experience the need to have healthy choices exercised and when they don't show up in our relationship, we either choose to have conversations about them or not. If the choices are abusive and therefore unacceptable, we begin to think about making a responsible choice to leave the relationship. However, always picking our lover apart because their choices are not the ones we would make can only point the relationship in the wrong direction.
If we could accept the notion that everyone is doing the best they can, regardless of whether their choices are our choices, our attitude about our relationship would improve and perhaps the relationship we have would become the relationship we enjoy being in.
We must learn to distinguish between expectations and needs. Everyone has a need to be loved, to be understood, to be accepted and to be forgiven when necessary. For us to have expectations about how those needs get fulfilled can only cause disappointment.

In my opinion, the number two problem in relationships revolves around unfulfilled expectations.
So, how do you sidestep the disappointment that always comes from unfulfilled expectations? Who wins the "expectations versus needs" dilemma? Needs, of course! You focus on your needs and make a commitment to never have any undelivered communication about them. Talk about what you need with your partner. Express your needs with love.
Unfulfilled expectations always cause problems.
We often call things that happen that cause disappointment, problems. To avoid disappointment or problems. . . as best you can, have no expectations, good or bad. When you have expectations there are never any surprises because the outcome is almost always predictable.
Disappointment follows unfulfilled expectations. The predicaments that follow are predictable. If your relationship is not full of surprises, it is most likely very boring and may border on being unhealthy. Having healthy needs is a natural and creative attitude to embrace.
It is important to allow your love partner the freedom to fulfill your needs in their own best way.
What you can be with in life lets you be!
When you know what you need from your relationship and can express those needs to your partner and be okay with allowing them to love you the way they can love you, you will see a shift in your relationship that goes far beyond what you ever could have imagined!

Which is a stronger motivation, love or hate?

Love inspires patience and kindness and restraint
Hate is a monger and usurper and sadly, I guess hate is the greatest motivator, especially to react negatively and poorly and irrationally!

Hate motivates me to spread love.
Love takes birth from the womb of hate
Love is nothing in the absence of hate..
It is because of the hate that you come to know about real love.

It takes a stronger character to work in a hateful environment since it motivates him to take challenge against the hate and spread the message of love.

29 Januari 2011


Arini penat nak mampus rasenye!!!...
nak taw kenape...

sebab arini aku, fuaad, ikhwan, n nikman berkaraoke smpi 18 lagu...
(bese 10 je)...arini aku nyanyi lagu Blue, Kangen, Arrow, Axl's, Oag, n yg paling best adalah Senario dan M Daud Kilau...hahahahha

so mcm best nyanyi ni...sebagai senaman harian aku lak..asyik berpeluh jer bile nyanyi lam aircond td....

sok xtaw ler aktiviti pe la pulok..huhuhu







Aku punye sign dekat cermin (so tak nampak ler..hahahah)

Aku dijemput oleh Perodua Rawang untuk temuduga @ interview kali ke dua ( macam de rezeki aku je jadi jurutera hebat...cewah!!!!)
So tepat pukul 8 aku sampai di Pejabat Koperat dorang....tunggu pnuye tunggu aku dah menyirap, pe lagi aku terus nampak awek kat kuanter pertanyaan die 2, terus aku tanye..."temuduga yanag hari ini berlaku dimana yaa???"so awek 2 pn jawab...adik tggu dekat ruang menunggu dlu @ waiting area k.nanti ada oranga akna cari bab tunggu menunggu ni wat jad terus panas baran...tgk jam dah kul 9 lebih...wah!!!dah melampau ak menunggu mcm tunggul je lagi adegan tnye awek 2 lagi skali ak tnye dgn muke ketat...:kak skg dah kul 9 lebih...dowg janji dgn sy kul 8...per ni kak!!! awek 2 ckp...adik tggu kat ner td...ade orang 2 cari tp xjumpe pn adik..adik p sne cri En K..ak pn jawab...saya ade la kat cni..tgk alza M2 Edition yg baru rasmi oleh TUN rabu ritu 2...hahahah...(nsb bek ak dpt wt lawak ckit..lau x ak makan awek td 2...dah ar lapo time 2 x bekpes lagi) ak pn bla dr tmpt awek tu trus p kt tmpt bakal 8jahanam...

bab interview pulak...
cari pnyi cari En K tu...ak tetap xjumpe spe die...ak berjalan dekat orang yang pakai smart2 yg tgh duduk dekat kusi dengan berlagaknye ak duduk....(lam ati ak pk spe dowg ni...adakah dowg pki smart2 ni nk interview dgn 8jahanam.)....belom per2 ak dah ditnye spe nama dari penugas Perodua 2...rupe2nye die la En K....lepas tu aku dipanggil msuk lam Metting Room...Mula2 aku buat x takut pn...last die ckp dengan elok so lagi ar aku sng duduk...En K pn bg ak sehelai kertas...kertas 2 mempunyai 60 soklan yg perlu dijawb dalam mse 5minit aku jwab jer ar dgn selamber....(cth satu soklan dr 60 soklan tu...adakah anda lebih minat rancangan gusti drpd komedi?)....per letih aku menjawab derr!!!!...siap jer 60 soklan die bg isi borang permohonan kejap jer ak isi borang 2....dah siap jer isi di bg lg satu kertas plak...mcm2 simbol lak kali ni kertas tu...( lam ati aku ckp...mampus nk jwp pe ar ni plak...die bg aku litar plak so jwp..mne ak blaja natang 2 semua...lau litar SEPANG ak taw la derr...haahaha) de 40 soklan lam kertas die bg aku jwb jer yg mne aku taw...skg ni ak juz serahkan pada takdir yg menentukkan soklan2 tu btol @ salah jwp....then finish jer ak jwp trus ak dibrtaw oleh En K...(kamu boleh keluar dlu..nt kamu akan berjumpe dengan 8jahanam pulak k)....yg ayat ni aku reka ak xske 8jahanam 2....

Kembali Di kusi rmai budak2 smart...termaksuk aku yg paling smart la...hahahaha

so ak duduk lah kt seblah mamat ni...aku pn beri salam kat die...die pn jwb salam aku...then aku tnye...awk interview jgk ker?...mamat ni jwp...yup..aku interview cni time ni borak panjang psl kisah2 pengalaman kerja masing2...

Turn aku interview...
Sedang Melihat Awek lau lalang
nama ak di pggl dlm bilik (8jahanam) 2 untuk aku hairan npe la dorang ni mcm pelik jer pandang ak...setiap orang panel 2 de skill muka xleh bla!!!!!@#$%^&*( ak dah ditnye soklan bukan aku dah xselesa................................................................................................................................................................................................................................mcm berlaku time ni...ak naik baran pn ade...leh ker tnye soklan bidang yg lain...xbgus lgsg....owg dah ar tgh serius diowg leh men2 lak...cih!!!!!!!....

so sebelom aku kuar bilik 2 ak trus salam smua panel (8jahanam) 2 td...dah bis salam ak trus cau cincau ke kereta untuk balik Lepeh...

P/S : moral the story...wa tabik dgn mamat sorg ni...die cr kerja semata-sama tok seseorang yang die sayang beb!!!so lau nk dapat kerja PERODUA ni...kte jgn la panas baran kat panel w'pn dowg men2kan kte k...

26 Januari 2011

The ClimB


Cantik sungguh Miley Cyrus ni...
aku mahu ambil photo sama dia
jika diberi peluang lah kan...

So korang hayati la lagu ini buat kekasih gelapku...

25 Januari 2011



Ini diantara perkara - perkara yang aku belajar semasa di ILP BUKIT KATIL sehingga sekarang...

Hasrat aku untuk menjadi seorang jurutera masih diusahakan lagi..


Variable Description Corollary info
A Absolute or incremental position of A axis (rotational axis around X axis)
B Absolute or incremental position of B axis (rotational axis around Y axis)
C Absolute or incremental position of C axis (rotational axis around Z axis)
D Defines diameter or radial offset used for cutter compensation
E Precision feedrate for threading on lathes
F Defines feed rate
G Address for preparatory commands G commands often tell the control what kind of motion is wanted (e.g., rapid positioning, linear feed, circular feed, fixed cycle) or what offset value to use.
H Defines tool length offset;
Incremental axis corresponding to C axis (e.g., on a turn-mill)

I Defines arc size in X axis for G02 or G03 arc commands.
Also used as a parameter within some fixed cycles.

J Defines arc size in Y axis for G02 or G03 arc commands.
Also used as a parameter within some fixed cycles.

K Defines arc size in Z axis for G02 or G03 arc commands.
Also used as a parameter within some fixed cycles, equal to L address.

L Fixed cycle loop count;
Specification of what register to edit using G10
Fixed cycle loop count: Defines number of repetitions ("loops") of a fixed cycle at each position. Assumed to be 1 unless programmed with another integer. Sometimes the K address is used instead of L. With incremental positioning (G91), a series of equally spaced holes can be programmed as a loop rather than as individual positions.
G10 use: Specification of what register to edit (work offsets, tool radius offsets, tool length offsets, etc.).
M Miscellaneous function Action code, auxiliary command; descriptions vary. Many M-codes call for machine functions, which is why people often say that the "M" stands for "machine", although it was not intended to.
N Line (block) number in program;
System parameter number to be changed using G10
Line (block) numbers: Optional, so often omitted. Necessary for certain tasks, such as M99 P address (to tell the control which block of the program to return to if not the default one) or GoTo statements (if the control supports those). N numbering need not increment by 1 (for example, it can increment by 10, 20, or 1000) and can be used on every block or only in certain spots throughout a program.
System parameter number: G10 allows changing of system parameters under program control.
O Program name For example, O4501.
P Serves as parameter address for various G and M codes
  • With G04, defines dwell time value.
  • Also serves as a parameter in some canned cycles, representing dwell times or other variables.
  • Also used in the calling and termination of subprograms. (With M98, it specifies which subprogram to call; with M99, it specifies which block number of the main program to return to.)
Q Peck increment in canned cycles For example, G73, G83 (peck drilling cycles)
R Defines size of arc radius or defines retract height in canned cycles
S Defines speed, either spindle speed or surface speed depending on mode Data type = integer. In G97 mode (which is usually the default), an integer after S is interpreted as a number of rev/min (rpm). In G96 mode (CSS), an integer after S is interpreted as surface speed—sfm (G20) or m/min (G21). See also Speeds and feeds. On multifunction (turn-mill or mill-turn) machines, which spindle gets the input (main spindle or subspindles) is determined by other M codes.
T Tool selection To understand how the T address works and how it interacts (or not) with M06, one must study the various methods, such as lathe turret programming, ATC fixed tool selection, ATC random memory tool selection, the concept of "next tool waiting", and empty tools. Programming on any particular machine tool requires knowing which method that machine uses.
U Incremental axis corresponding to X axis (typically only lathe group A controls)
Also defines dwell time on some machines (instead of "P" or "X").
In these controls, X and U obviate G90 and G91, respectively. On these lathes, G90 is instead a fixed cycle address for roughing.
V Incremental axis corresponding to Y axis Until the 2000s, the V address was very rarely used, because most lathes that used U and W didn't have a Y-axis, so they didn't use V. (Green et al 1996[2] did not even list V in their table of addresses.) That is still often the case, although the proliferation of live lathe tooling and turn-mill machining has made V address usage less rare than it used to be (Smid 2008[1] shows an example).
W Incremental axis corresponding to Z axis (typically only lathe group A controls) In these controls, Z and W obviate G90 and G91, respectively. On these lathes, G90 is instead a fixed cycle address for roughing.
X Absolute or incremental position of X axis.
Also defines dwell time on some machines (instead of "P" or "U").

Y Absolute or incremental position of Y axis
Z Absolute or incremental position of Z axis The main spindle's axis of rotation often determines which axis of a machine tool is labeled as Z.

List of M-codes commonly found on Fanuc and similarly designed controls

Code   Description Milling
( M )
( T )
Corollary info
M00 Compulsory stop M T Non-optional—machine will always stop upon reaching M00 in the program execution.
M01 Optional stop M T Machine will only stop at M01 if operator has pushed the optional stop button.
M02 End of program M T No return to program top; may or may not reset register values.
M03 Spindle on (clockwise rotation) M T  
M04 Spindle on (counterclockwise rotation) M T  
M05 Spindle stop M T  
M06 Automatic tool change (ATC) M T (some-times) Many lathes do not use M06 because the T address itself indexes the turret.
To understand how the T address works and how it interacts (or not) with M06, one must study the various methods, such as lathe turret programming, ATC fixed tool selection, ATC random memory tool selection, the concept of "next tool waiting", and empty tools. Programming on any particular machine tool requires knowing which method that machine uses.
M07 Coolant on (mist) M T  
M08 Coolant on (flood) M T  
M09 Coolant off M T  
M10 Pallet clamp on M   For machining centers with pallet changers
M11 Pallet clamp off M   For machining centers with pallet changers
M13 Spindle on (clockwise rotation) and coolant on (flood) M   This one M-code does the work of both M03 and M08. It is not unusual for specific machine models to have such combined commands, which make for shorter, more quickly written programs.
M19 Spindle orientation M T Spindle orientation is more often called within cycles (automatically) or during setup (manually), but it is also available under program control via M19. The abbreviation OSS (oriented spindle stop) may be seen in reference to an oriented stop within cycles.
M21 Mirror, X-axis M    
M21 Tailstock forward   T  
M22 Mirror, Y-axis M    
M22 Tailstock backward   T  
M23 Mirror OFF M    
M23 Thread gradual pullout ON   T  
M24 Thread gradual pullout OFF   T  
M30 End of program with return to program top M T  
M41 Gear select - gear 1   T  
M42 Gear select - gear 2   T  
M43 Gear select - gear 3   T  
M44 Gear select - gear 4   T  
M48 Feedrate override allowed M T  
M49 Feedrate override NOT allowed M T This rule is also called (automatically) within tapping cycles or single-point threading cycles, where feed is precisely correlated to speed. Same with spindle speed override and feed hold button.
M60 Automatic pallet change (APC) M   For machining centers with pallet changers
M98 Subprogram call M T Takes an address P to specify which subprogram to call, for example, "M98 P8979" calls subprogram O8979.
M99 Subprogram end M T Usually placed at end of subprogram, where it returns execution control to the main program. The default is that control returns to the block following the M98 call in the main program. Return to a different block number can be specified by a P address. M99 can also be used in main program with block skip for endless loop of main program on bar work on lathes (until operator toggles block skip).

Code Description Milling
( M )
( T )
Corollary info
G00 Rapid positioning M T On 2- or 3-axis moves, G00 (unlike G01) does not necessarily move in a single straight line between start point and end point. It moves each axis at its max speed until its vector is achieved. Shorter vector usually finishes first (given similar axis speeds).
G01 Linear interpolation M T The most common workhorse code for feeding during a cut. The program specs the start and end points, and the control automatically calculates (interpolates) the intermediate points to pass through that will yield a straight line (hence "linear"). The control then calculates the angular velocities at which to turn the axis leadscrews. The computer performs thousands of calculations per second. Actual machining takes place with given feed on linear path.
G02 Circular interpolation, clockwise M T Cannot start G41 or G42 in G02 or G03 modes. Must already be compensated in earlier G01 block.
G03 Circular interpolation, counterclockwise M T Cannot start G41 or G42 in G02 or G03 modes. Must already be compensated in earlier G01 block.
G04 Dwell M T Takes an address for dwell period (may be X, U, or P)
G05 P10000 High-precision contour control (HPCC) M   Uses a deep look-ahead buffer and simulation processing to provide better axis movement acceleration and deceleration during contour milling
G05.1 Q1. Ai Nano contour control M   Uses a deep look-ahead buffer and simulation processing to provide better axis movement acceleration and deceleration during contour milling
G07 Imaginary axis designation M    
G09 Exact stop check M T  
G10 Programmable data input M T  
G11 Data write cancel M T  
G12 Full-circle interpolation, clockwise M   Fixed cycle for ease of programming 360° circular interpolation with blend-radius lead-in and lead-out. Not standard on Fanuc controls.
G13 Full-circle interpolation, counterclockwise M   Fixed cycle for ease of programming 360° circular interpolation with blend-radius lead-in and lead-out. Not standard on Fanuc controls.
G17 XY plane selection M    
G18 ZX plane selection M T On most lathes, ZX is the only available plane, so no G17 to G19 codes are used.
G19 YZ plane selection M    
G20 Programming in inches M T Somewhat uncommon except in USA and (to lesser extent) Canada and UK. However, in the global marketplace, competence with both G20 and G21 always stands some chance of being necessary at any time. The usual minimum increment in G20 is one ten-thousandth of an inch (0.0001"), which is a larger distance than the usual minimum increment in G21 (one thousandth of a millimeter, .001 mm, that is, one micrometre). This physical difference sometimes favors G21 programming.
G21 Programming in millimeters (mm) M T Prevalent worldwide. However, in the global marketplace, competence with both G20 and G21 always stands some chance of being necessary at any time.
G28 Return to home position (machine zero, aka machine reference point) M T Takes X Y Z addresses which define the intermediate point that the tool tip will pass through on its way home to machine zero. They are in terms of part zero (aka program zero), NOT machine zero.
G30 Return to secondary home position (machine zero, aka machine reference point) M T Takes a P address specifying which machine zero point is desired, if the machine has several secondary points (P1 to P4). Takes X Y Z addresses which define the intermediate point that the tool tip will pass through on its way home to machine zero. They are in terms of part zero (aka program zero), NOT machine zero.
G31 Skip function (used for probes and tool length measurement systems) M    
G32 Single-point threading, longhand style (if not using a cycle, e.g., G76)   T Similar to G01 linear interpolation, except with automatic spindle synchronization for single-point threading.
G33 Constant-pitch threading M    
G33 Single-point threading, longhand style (if not using a cycle, e.g., G76)   T Some lathe controls assign this mode to G33 rather than G32.
G34 Variable-pitch threading M    
G40 Tool radius compensation off M T Kills G41 or G42.
G41 Tool radius compensation left M T Milling: Given righthand-helix cutter and M03 spindle direction, G41 corresponds to climb milling (down milling). Takes an address (D or H) that calls an offset register value for radius.
Turning: Often needs no D or H address on lathes, because whatever tool is active automatically calls its geometry offsets with it. (Each turret station is bound to its geometry offset register.)
G42 Tool radius compensation right M T Similar corollary info as for G41. Given righthand-helix cutter and M03 spindle direction, G42 corresponds to conventional milling (up milling).
G43 Tool height offset compensation negative M   Takes an address, usually H, to call the tool length offset register value. The value is negative because it will be added to the gauge line position. G43 is the commonly used version (vs G44).
G44 Tool height offset compensation positive M   Takes an address, usually H, to call the tool length offset register value. The value is positive because it will be subtracted from the gauge line position. G44 is the seldom-used version (vs G43).
G45 Axis offset single increase M    
G46 Axis offset single decrease M    
G47 Axis offset double increase M    
G48 Axis offset double decrease M    
G49 Tool length offset compensation cancel M   Kills G43 or G44.
G50 Define the maximum spindle speed   T Takes an S address integer which is interpreted as rpm. Without this feature, G96 mode (CSS) would rev the spindle to "wide open throttle" when closely approaching the axis of rotation.
G50 Scaling function cancel M    
G50 Position register (programming of vector from part zero to tool tip)   T Position register is one of the original methods to relate the part (program) coordinate system to the tool position, which indirectly relates it to the machine coordinate system, the only position the control really "knows". Not commonly programmed anymore because G54 to G59 (WCSs) are a better, newer method. Called via G50 for turning, G92 for milling. Those G addresses also have alternate meanings (which see). Position register can still be useful for datum shift programming.
G52 Local coordinate system (LCS) M   Temporarily shifts program zero to a new location. This simplifies programming in some cases.
G53 Machine coordinate system M T Takes absolute coordinates (X,Y,Z,A,B,C) with reference to machine zero rather than program zero. Can be helpful for tool changes. Nonmodal and absolute only. Subsequent blocks are interpreted as "back to G54" even if it is not explicitly programmed.
G54 to G59 Work coordinate systems (WCSs) M T Have largely replaced position register (G50 and G92). Each tuple of axis offsets relates program zero directly to machine zero. Standard is 6 tuples (G54 to G59), with optional extensibility to 48 more via G54.1 P1 to P48.
G54.1 P1 to P48 Extended work coordinate systems M T Up to 48 more WCSs besides the 6 provided as standard by G54 to G59. Note floating-point extension of G-code data type (formerly all integers). Other examples have also evolved (e.g., G84.2). Modern controls have the hardware to handle it.
G70 Fixed cycle, multiple repetitive cycle, for finishing (including contours)   T  
G71 Fixed cycle, multiple repetitive cycle, for roughing (Z-axis emphasis)   T  
G72 Fixed cycle, multiple repetitive cycle, for roughing (X-axis emphasis)   T  
G73 Fixed cycle, multiple repetitive cycle, for roughing, with pattern repetition   T  
G73 Peck drilling cycle for milling - high-speed (NO full retraction from pecks) M   Retracts only as far as a clearance increment (system parameter). For when chipbreaking is the main concern, but chip clogging of flutes is not.
G74 Peck drilling cycle for turning   T  
G74 Tapping cycle for milling, lefthand thread, M04 spindle direction M    
G75 Peck grooving cycle for turning   T  
G76 Fine boring cycle for milling M    
G76 Threading cycle for turning, multiple repetitive cycle   T  
G80 Cancel canned cycle M T Milling: Kills all cycles such as G73, G83, G88, etc. Z-axis returns either to Z-initial level or R-level, as programmed (G98 or G99, respectively).
Turning: Usually not needed on lathes, because a new group-1 G address (G00 to G03) cancels whatever cycle was active.
G81 Simple drilling cycle M   No dwell built in
G82 Drilling cycle with dwell M   Dwells at hole bottom (Z-depth) for the number of milliseconds specified by the P address. Good for when hole bottom finish matters.
G83 Peck drilling cycle (full retraction from pecks) M   Returns to R-level after each peck. Good for clearing flutes of chips.
G84 Tapping cycle, righthand thread, M03 spindle direction M    
G84.2 Tapping cycle, righthand thread, M03 spindle direction, rigid toolholder M    
G90 Absolute programming M T (B) Positioning defined with reference to part zero.
Milling: Always as above.
Turning: Sometimes as above (Fanuc group type B and similarly designed), but on most lathes (Fanuc group type A and similarly designed), G90/G91 are not used for absolute/incremental modes. Instead, U and W are the incremental addresses and X and Z are the absolute addresses. On these lathes, G90 is instead a fixed cycle address for roughing.
G90 Fixed cycle, simple cycle, for roughing (Z-axis emphasis)   T (A) When not serving for absolute programming (above)
G91 Incremental programming M T (B) Positioning defined with reference to previous position.
Milling: Always as above.
Turning: Sometimes as above (Fanuc group type B and similarly designed), but on most lathes (Fanuc group type A and similarly designed), G90/G91 are not used for absolute/incremental modes. Instead, U and W are the incremental addresses and X and Z are the absolute addresses. On these lathes, G90 is a fixed cycle address for roughing.
G92 Position register (programming of vector from part zero to tool tip) M T (B) Same corollary info as at G50 position register.
Milling: Always as above.
Turning: Sometimes as above (Fanuc group type B and similarly designed), but on most lathes (Fanuc group type A and similarly designed), position register is G50.
G92 Threading cycle, simple cycle   T (A)  
G94 Feedrate per minute M T (B) On group type A lathes, feedrate per minute is G98.
G94 Fixed cycle, simple cycle, for roughing (X-axis emphasis)   T (A) When not serving for feedrate per minute (above)
G95 Feedrate per revolution M T (B) On group type A lathes, feedrate per revolution is G99.
G96 Constant surface speed (CSS)   T Varies spindle speed automatically to achieve a constant surface speed. See speeds and feeds. Takes an S address integer, which is interpreted as sfm in G20 mode or as m/min in G21 mode.
G97 Constant spindle speed M T Takes an S address integer, which is interpreted as rev/min (rpm). The default speed mode per system parameter if no mode is programmed.
G98 Return to initial Z level in canned cycle M    
G98 Feedrate per minute (group type A)   T (A) Feedrate per minute is G94 on group type B.
G99 Return to R level in canned cycle M    
G99 Feedrate per revolution (group type A)   T (A) Feedrate per revolution is G95 on group type B.




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